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Can you see the wood from the trees?

  1. The Great Reset

There is a phrase being touted about in the elite corridors of business and government linked to the global agenda called ‘the Great reset’ in essence it might sound appealing in a world where economic servitude and suffering has reached epidemic levels but what does it really encompass and is it truly beneficial to humanity? It seems the IMF and other proponents of this strategy want to promote a campaign to collapse the economic system as we know it and create a new centralised economic model as part of a new global order.

It was not long ago that central banks of nations literally dropped tens of trillions of dollars into the system generated out of thin air to stimulate a system on life support. Who can forget how many banks and finance houses who offered cheap finance to people with high interest rates leading to ruin and family breakdowns were simply bailed out diverting essential taxpayers money from hospitals and schools to line the pockets of negligent CEOs. What about IMF and World Bank loans to desperate nations ravaged by wars over essential resources such as diamonds, cobalt, iron ore or oil with crippling surcharges that can never be repaid.

  1. New Global Digital Currency

Is it any wonder this has created a multitude of bubbles of currency devaluation and inflation that are literally about to burst. Once this does happen a reset would trigger a justification for a new order to come into play which would have a whole new look. Many commentators feel this would be total economic centralisation through a body like the IMF. So instead of trying to manipulate economies through national central banks as proxies these elite players now want to reveal their true stance.

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" - Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.

In order to draw out this strategy the plan is also to create a one world currency. A group of assets known as the ‘Special Drawing Rights Basket’ controlled by the IMF with China, Japan, UK and USA as members could be the foundation for this digital currency. The plan is to use the right kind of crisis to stimulate the compliance of the general population. The end result for people would be total dependency on a digital currency removing all privacy in trade.

It is no doubt the pandemic gave the elites an impetus to push forward their strategy for the great reset. The ongoing proposal for Vaccine passports could easily pave the way for a whole social credit system to be introduced. Any non-compliance to draconian government policy with such a system could mean you being blocked from getting a job, or simply shop in a grocery store functions that are essential to everyday life. This might be based on certain criteria instigated by the global government. With surveillance they can already watch your every move and so if you are regarded as an intellectual subversive in the eyes of the state they could simply shut down your access to credit, making you a fugitive and outcast. Does such a system seem anything other than a police prison state to you?

  1. Fourth Industrial Revolution

Underpinning this whole program is Schwab’s Brave New World or ‘4th industrial revolution’ a blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds to bring into play Artificial Intelligence (AI). A new economic model to blend in aspects of Taylorism which advocated maximum efficiency through surveillance and control irrespective of the cost of humanity. From one angle it seems an enlightening scientific opportunity to free up humanity to pursue more creative visions. Helping us to replace obsolete and outdated habits and mind-sets with fast data-driven solutions But is this really the plan of the elite behind the strategy?

Such a system will remove huge chunks of the labourforce and replace them with AI. While to some it might seem appealing, what is the intention to do with society?

Take Amazon warehouses, virtually every task workers perform is controlled and tracked by productivity-maximising software for which the fragility of human bodies is irrelevant. Anyone having an off day or feeling a little feverish, weak is in these terms underperforming and a liability to company profits, at risk of replacement. A similar sort of draconian micromanagement has already reached the office world, keystroke-monitoring apps that punish “unproductive” behaviours (e.g. listening to music in the background, researching online during work hours, too many coffee breaks). Call centre monitoring apps even today mark employees down for talking too long with a difficult customer, not defending the company line even if the custom ris in the right.

Gianpiero Petriglieri, INSEAD \Professor of Organisational Behaviour, has tried to outline what is at the core of the issue being played out: “A revolution is any change that alters the power structure,” explained Petriglieri in an interview. “This is not a revolution. It’s a reformation, because it bolsters the existing power structure. The rhetoric of revolution is a cover-up.” A cover-up perpetrated with unwitting help from so called scientific experts.

How did facebook become so embedded in our culture and us so willing to share our lives in such personal and graphic detail for the whole world to see? Surely used in such a way this technology plays right in the hands of the mass surveillance business network. Is not such social media a factory floor that spans the planet, harvesting personal information for profit and monitoring subversive elements.

Anyone can see business now rules, church and state have been subjugated to the power of money. Before in Christendom

you would never dream the church or state would allow businesses to operate on a ‘holy day’. Now you can go shopping in a megamall and take part in the eucharist in the atrium of the mall for your convenience to alleviate any of your guilt consciousness for all your excess shopping. The key things people seek have not changed security, stability and spiritual nourishment but these are now being promoted by money and consumerism with profit king, where is any morality coming through? Is it any wonder there is such a void in society today?

How else could you justify the destruction of people’s livelihoods virtually overnight? Does such a system not make people totally dependent on the state and business? Surely in reality Schwab’s “global society” would be a dystopian world in which people turn to AI as a means of governance. He even suggests that laws would be dictated by AI and that courts would be run by robots.

Petriglieri calls for a “second human relations movement” designed to counter “the tyranny of automation – or more precisely, the automation of tyranny”

How on earth do people with such an agenda get to lead economic decision making for world governments? Can you imagine a sensitive homicide case in suspicious circumstances being correctly dealt with by robots?

Petriglieri says “Totalitarian systems have two jobs: One is to get inside your mind and put things in it; the other is to take money out of your pocket. These systems fail because of overreach. If you’re in Rome, the army can check you. But in France? As the empire expands, it can no longer control the people and they don’t want to give the money. Technology has removed that problem. You can get inside the minds of people virtually.”

‘The Great Reset’ is quite simply the catalyst to bring in the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ or planned new global order into play. Of course the same proponents of this agenda are closely aligned with our national rulers and the very bankers that could force such a reset to happen through a deliberate collapse at any moment, how about some time now when we seem to be on the brink of World War 3? The clock is ticking so to speak.

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